10th English Grandma Climbs A Tree Notes Question Answer Summary Mcq Pdf Download in Kannada And English Medium Karnataka State Syllabus 2024 Kseeb Solutions For Class 10 English Poem 1 Notes 10th Standard English 1st Poem Notes Summary Grandma Climbs a Tree Summary in English pdf

Class : 10th Class
Subject : English
Poem Name : Grandma Climbs A Tree
Ruskin Bond Grandma Climbs A Tree

Grandma Climbs A Tree Multiple Choice Questions :
1 . Grandma was a genius because ……
a . she was skilful
b . she could climb a tree
c. she was good
d. she loved a trees
2. The poet calls his grandmother
a . a brave woman
b . a genius
c . childish
d. silly women
3. Poet’s grandma was happier in
a . a boat
b. a lift
c . a house
d. a tree
4. Grandma learnt to climb a tree from …….
a . a trainee
b . her brother
c . her father
d . her son
5. As soon as the doctor recommended ‘ a quiet week in bed ‘ for granny , all the family members ………
a . sighed with relief
b . laughed happily
c . danced with joy
d . felt very bad
6. For granny , a quiet week in bed ‘ was like …….
a . hell
b . heaven
c . prison .
d. Jail
7. Grandma wanted a house …………….
a . in a tree top
b . beside a river
c . on a beach
d . in a forest
8. My grandmother was a genius . The underlined word means ………….
a . a tree climber
b . an elderly person
c. a gifted person
d. happy person
9. The opposite of ‘ gracefully ‘ is ……………..
a . ungracefully .
b . disgracefully
c. misgracefully
d . ingracefully
10. ” It was like a brief season in hell ” Figure of speech used in the above sentence si
a . simile
b . metaphor
c . alliteration
d . paradox
II . Answer the following in a word or a phrase or in a sentence ( one mark questions )
10th english grandma climbs a tree notes
1. What does the poet call his grandmother ?
Ans .: The poet calls his grandmother a genius .
2. Why does the poet call his grandmother ‘ genius ” ?
Ans .: The poet calls his grandmother ‘ genius ‘ because , she could climb trees .
3. Who taught grandmother to climb trees ?
Ans .: Her loving brother taught grandmother to climb trees .
4. What was her age where she climbed the tree last ?
Ans .: She was sixty – two when she climbed the tree last .
5. What did the doctor strongly recommend ?
Ans .: The doctor strongly recommended a quite week in bed .
6. What did grandma tell her son one day ?
Ans .: Grandma told her son to build a house in a tree top .
7. According to poets , what was grandmother’s right ?
Ans .: To reside in a tree is considered as grandmother’s right .
8. ” My dad knew his duties ” what did he think his duty was ?
Ans .: Poets father was a dutiful son and in accordance with grandma’s wishes , he immediately started to build a house for her in a tree top .
III Answer the following questions in two or three sentences :
1. What did people tell the grandmother as went by ?
Ans : People told grandma that she should stop climbing trees as she grew old , and also that one should grow old gracefully
2. What was usual in the reply given by the grandma ?
Ans : Grandma was very childish in her reply . She said that she would grow disgracefully .
3. What did the doctor recommend ? How did the family members react ?
Ans : The doctor recommended grandma a quiet week in bed . Family members sighed with relief .
4. How did grandma feel while she lay in bed ?
Ans : Grandma felt miserable as she lay in bed . She loved to look at the dancing leaves . For her , it was like a brief season in hell .
5. What did she ask for as soon as she was better ?
Ans .: As soon as she was better , Grandma as ked her son to build a house in a tree top .
IV . Read each of the following extracts and answer the questions given below :
1. ” Ever since childhood , said had this gift ”
a . Who does ‘ she ‘ refer to ?
Ans : Grandma
b . What was the gift that she had ?
Ans : She had the gift of climbing trees easily whether it was spreading or high .
2. I strongly recommend a quiet week in bed ”
a . Who recommended bed rest ?
Ans : Doctor
b . For whom was the rest recommended and why ?
Ans : Rest was recommended to grandma because she was ill .
3. She sat up and said , ” I’ll live here no longer ”
a . Who does ‘ I ‘ refer to ?
Ans : ‘ I ‘ refers to grandma .
b . Why was the speaker forced to lie down ?
Ans .: After the rescue , the doctor took granny’s temperature and strongly recommended her a quiet week bed .
4. He said , ” That’s all right . You’ll have what you want dear ” .
a . Who does ‘ you ‘ refer to ?
Ans : ‘ You ‘ refers to granny .
b . What does the speaker mean by above words ?
Ans : Granny wished for a house in a tree top and his son readily agreed to fulfill her wish .
5. ” I’ll start work tonight ”
a . Who started to start the work ?
Ans : Poet’s father
b . What was the work and why was he doing it ?
Ans : The work was to build a house in tree top . He wanted to do it to fulfill his mother’s wish to live on a tree .
Grandma Climbs A Tree Summary
1. Write the summary of the poem Grandma climbs a tree .
The poem ‘ Grandma Climbs a Tree ‘ is written by Ruskin Bond . He wrote so many poems in English . In this poem he calls his grandmother as ” genius ” because she could climb a tree . Even at the age of 62 , she was passionate to climb a tree and learn it from her loving brother at the age of six . Everybody feared that granny would fall from a tree one day . One day she climbed a tree but could not come down . After the rescue the doctor recommended her rest for a week . But for granny it was like brief season in hell . She demanded a house to be built in a tree . The poets father who was dutiful , fulfill his mother’s wish , so that granny moved up and enjoyed as her wish .
Ans .: The poet calls his grandmother a genius .
Ans .: Her loving brother taught grandmother to climb trees .
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