2nd Puc English Water Poem Notes Question Answers Summery Extract Mcq Pdf. 2nd Puc English Chapter 14 Notes 2nd Puc English Water Notes 2023 Kseeb Solutions For Class 12 English Chapter 14 Notes
2nd Puc English Water Poem Summary

Comprehension 1 :
A. the base of caste system
‘leather and spool’ stands for A. Cobbler and weaver
When the varna system was in practice, the ‘panchamas’ or the untouchables were not allowed to touch water and fill it in their pots. Whenever a wada girl went to collect water from a pond or a tank, the people of other varnas used to pour water from a higher level at a distance, into the pot of the wada girl. Naturally, some water would invariably fall on the body of the girl. This would cause a lot of humiliation to the girl.
b. balancing the water pots on the head.
Ans. (c) (d) (e) and (f)
The Panchamas
A dalit youth and Munnangi suvartamma opposed the Kamma landlords
Water as a mighty movement is compared to the Mahad struggle at the Chadar tank in Mumbai.
The poet compares untouchability to the dampness on the well’s edge. Just as the dampness on the well’s edge never dries, untouchability also never disappears.
Today water has become a multinational market commodity.
*When the speaker sees water she remember how people in her wada would thirst all day for a glass of water. *Secondly, when she sees water she is also reminded of how they would eagerly welcome their weekly bath days as if it was a wondrous festival and also remember how the entire village bather luxuriously twice a day.
*The speaker also would recall her childhood when she would walk miles to go to the big canal and carry back heavy pots with the muscles and veins on her neck straining and bursting. Finally the sight of water would also make her recall how thatched roofs in Malapalle were burnt to ashes for want of a pot of water to extinguish the fire
Once a week
Twice a day.
At Malapalle
The poet says that water is not a simple thing because it can give life, it can also devour lives
The tsunami wave.
The poor
Comprehension: II
1. Discuss the travails suffered by the wada people while securing water.
Challapalli Swaroopa Rani (1968) began writing about her experiences. Her poetry consciously deals with issues of gender and caste. A poem that explores the countless forms of social discrimination and injustice with the metaphor of water. The poem speaks of how water has stood witness to act of oppression in the name of religion, caste and creed. It traces the trail of inhuman practices that prevail in society over several generations. The poem also speaks of how water,
2. Look at the expressions ‘many a circus feat’ and ‘dances its way into the Pepsi man’s bottle’. What contrast do you notice between the two ?
Challapalli Swaroopa Rani (1968) began writing about her experiences. Her poetry consciously deals with issues of gender and caste. A poem that explores the countless forms of social discrimination and injustice with the metaphor of water. The poem speaks of how water has stood witness to act of oppression in the name of religion, caste and creed. It traces the trail of inhuman practices that prevail in society over several generations. The poem also speaks of how water, a natural resource has become a commodity in the contemporary market regulated world. A poem that explores the countless forms of social discrimination and injustice with the metaphor of water. The poem speaks of how water has stood witness to act of oppression in the name of religion, caste and creed. It traces the trail of inhuman practices that prevail in society over several generations. . The poem also speaks of how water, a natural
resource has become a commodity in the contemporary market regulated world. ‘Many a circus feat ‘ refers to the people walking miles together to fetch water from a big canal and carrying heavy pots one
above the other with their muscles and veins in the neck straining and bursting
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