10th Class English Gentleman Of Rio En Medio Notes Question Answer Summery Mcq Pdf Download in Kannada and English Medium Karnataka State Syllabus 2024 gentleman of rio en medio pdf Kseeb Solution For Class 10 English Chapter 3 Notes in Kannada Medium gentleman of rio en medio lesson questions and answers

Class : 10th Class
Subject : English
Lesson Name : Gentleman Of Rio en Medio
Sslc English 3rd Chapter Notes

I. Multiple choice questions :
1 ) It took months of negotiation to come to an understanding with the old man . This shows that the old man was
a ) Understanding
b ) quick
c ) unhurried
d ) witty
2 ) The old man came to the office to
a ) meet the lawyer
b ) meet the Americans
c ) sign the sale deed
d ) argue that he was the owner of the land
3 ) The old man was accompanied by
a ) his friends
b ) parents
c ) people
d ) a dark young man
4 ) Behind him walked one of his ” innumerable kin ” . The word ” innumerable kin ” means that the old man had a number of
a . children
b . trees in his orchard
c . relatives
d . followers
5 ) The old man in his coat looked like
a . Senator Catron
b . lawyer
c . an America
d . Spanish
6 ) The old man removed his hat gloves slowly and carefully . This action is compared to
a . Hero
b . an old man
c . land lord
d . Charlie Chaplin .
7 ) The young man who accompanied the old man had eyes like
a . lotus
b . gazelle
c . fish
d . clear
8 ) The old man carried a cane which was actually
a . stick
b . steel rod
c . a skeleton of a worn – out umbrella
d . stylish stick
9 ) The old man wore a coat named
a. Farmer’s coat
b . Spanish coat
c . rain coat
d . Prince Albert’s
10 ) Which of the lines from the text those suggest that the old man was a farmer ?
a . he loved trees
b . he planted trees for children
c . He tilled the same land they had tilled
d . He loved his people
11 ) How did the old man greet the people who had been waiting for him ?
a . saluted them
b . removed his hat
c . shook hands all of them
d . bowed to all of them
12 ) The old man removed his hat and gloves carefully because
a . he was afraid that they would be torn .
b. It was his usual style
c . he was old and weakb .
d . To respect all who assembled
13 ) In the first meeting of the old man and the Americans , They talked about rain and the old man’s large family . It was
a . to mock his large family
b . a custom of the Americans
c . to prepare every one for the main talk
d . to make everyone know that it had not rained in that area
14 ) The old man had agreed to sell house and land for
a . 12 hundred dollars
b . 10 hundred dollars
c . 8 hundred dollars d .
6 hundred dollars
15 ) The story teller respected the old man by saying
a .good morning
b . Don Anselmo
c . hello
d . Sir Anselmo
16 ) According to the engineer the old man owned the land
a . four acres
b . eight hectares
c . more than eight acres
d . eight acres exactly
17 ) Don Anselmo took only 12 hundred dollars for the land finally because
a . the story teller failed to convince Don Anselmo to take more money than what had agreed
b . Don Anselmo was a man of principles .
c . It cost more than that amount
d . he sold only the land not the trees
18 ) It took a week to arrange another meeting because the old man
a . deliberately delayed
b . was slow
c . was not in the station
d . was ill
19 ) Don Anselmo says , ” The Americans are good people ” . Because he wanted to
a . appreciate them .
b mock at them
c . express his sincere feelings
d. flatter them
20 ) Why did the old man sell his house and land to the Americans ? because
a . the Americans were good people
b . he needed money
c . he did not like the land
d . his house was old
21 ) Don Anselmo sold his land but he didn’t sell his
a . house
b . land
c . trees in the orchard
d. friuts in the orchard
22 ) The children of Reo en Medio were Don nselmo’s
a . Sobrinos and nietos .
b . grandchildren
c . Friends
d. share holders
23 ) Don Anselmo inherited the house from
a . his granny
b . relatives
c . his mother
d. his father
24 ) According to Don Anselmo ,
a ) Don Anselmo himself
b ) the Americans
c ) The story teller
d ) the children of Rio en Medio
25 ) Don Anselmo did not sell the trees . Because__
a . Trees were like children to him
b . They were grown for the children of next generation
c . He had grown them in memory for every child birth
d . He wanted his surroundings to be green
26 ) Legally saying the trees should belong to
a . Don Anselmo
b . the Americans
c . the children of Rio en Medio
d . The story teller
27 ) What did Don Anselmo do as he left the place with money ? He
a . Shook hands all around
b . said goodbye
c . thanked them for purchasing his land
d . offered them dinner
28 ) The Gentle man Don Anselmo was very fond of
A. children
B. money
C. the land
D. dress
II . Answer the following questions in two three sentences each :
1. Describe the old man’s property .
Ans : The old man’s house was small , wretched but quaint . His orchard was gnarled and beautiful . The little creek ran through his land .
2. Where did Don Anselmo live ? What work did he do ?
Ans : Don Anselmo lived in a small , quaint house in Rio en Medio . He tilled the land that was Inherited to him from his ancestors
3. Explain briefly the appearance and manners of Don Anselmo ?
Ans : Don Anselmo wore an old , green faded coat . His gloves too were old and torn and his fingertips showed through them and carried a cane which was the skeleton of a worn – out umbrella . When he entered the room he bowed to all and slowly removed his hat and gloves .
4. How did the old man greet the people who had been waiting for him ?
Ans : The old man bowed to all of them in the room . He then removed his hat and gloves , slowly and carefully .
5. What did the Americans discover after the survey ?
Ans : After the survey , the Americans discovered that Don Anselmo owns more than eight acres of land which extends across the river .
6. The story teller offered the old man almost the double of what he had quoted earlier . Why ?
Ans : The story teller offered the old man almost the double of what he had quoted earlier because he discovered that Don Anselmo owns more than eight acres of land which extends across the river .
7. What was the reaction of the old man to the story teller’s offer ?
Ans : The old man hung his head for a moment in thought , stood up and stared at the story teller’s offer.
8. After the survey the Americans offered double the quoted price for the old man’s land . Why ?
Ans : The Americans were good people and when they found that Don Anselmo owned more than eight acres of and , they offered to pay double the price they had quoted earlier .
9. Why did the story teller fail to convince Don Anselmo to accept more money ?
Ans : The story teller failed to convince Don Anselmo to accept more money because Don Anselmo felt that he was insulted by the offer .
10. Why do you think the Americans wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s land ?
Ans : The little creek ran through the land of Don Anselmo . His orchard was gnarled and beautiful . So , to lead a happy and peaceful life . The Americans wanted to buy Don Anselmo’s land
11. Why did the story teller say that Americans bueana gente ?
Ans : The story teller said that the Americans are bueana gente because they did not want to Cheat Don Anselmo and they were willing to pay Don Anselmo twice the money for his land
12. How the problem of ownership was was resolved by the Americans ?
Ans : The Americans bought the tree in the orchard from the descendents of Don Anselmo It took a long time because they purchased from each individual of Rio en Medio .
13. Why did the Americans want to buy Don Anselmo’s land ?
Ans : Don Anselmo’s land had a good water source as the little creek ran through the land . His orchard was beautiful and his house was quaint .
14. Why did the Americans complain the story teller on the old man ?
Ans : The Americans complained the story teller that , The children of the village were running around the land , playing in the orchard , putting fences around their play area , plucking the flowers from the trees , laughing whenever they were spoken they laughed at the Americans and replied in Spanish . So they could not enjoy their property .
15. How do you say that Don Anselmo was generous ?
Ans : Don Anselmo was generous . Because he was a man of principles he refused to take the extra money offered by the Americans for his land .
16. Why do you think Don Anselmo did not sell the trees in the Orchard ? or Don Anselmo had concern for the children of Rio – en – medio . Explain briefly .
Ans : Don Anselmo planted a tree for memory of every birth of child so the trees in the Orchard belongs to the children of Rio – en – Medio . Hence Don Anselmo could sell only the Orchard but not the trees in the Orchard .
17. What makes you think that Don Anselmo was a man of principles ?
Ans : Americans surved the land and found that land was more than eight acre . They offered double amount for the land . He rejected the offer and stick to the words what he had already quoted . This show that he was man of principle .
Extract :
1 ) ” It took months of negotiation to come to an understanding with the old man ”
a ) Who is the old man referred here ?
Ans – Don Anselmo
B ) What was the negotiation about ?
Ans .: The negotiation was about the selling of the old man’s land .
c . Why do you think it took months to come to an understanding ?
Ans . It took months to come to an understanding because the old man was in no hurry to sell
Answer the following in 8-10 sentences
1. Don Anselmo and the Americans were generous in their own ways . Explain .
Ans : The Americans informed Don Anselmo that after survey , they found that he owns more than eight acres and were willing to pay double the agreed amount . This shows that the Americans were generous and they did not want to cheat him . Once again when the old man stuck to his words that the trees belong to the children , they bought the trees individually from the villagers Don Anselmo , however was a man of principles and refused to take anything more than the amount agreed upon and expressed his generosity .
2. At last , the problem of ownership was resolved , But it took a long time . What might be the reason for it .
Ans : After buying the property from Don Anselmo by the Americans the children of Rio en Medio , began to overrun the Orchard and spend most of their time there . This was brought to the notice of Don Anselmo and he was asked to stop the children . Don Anselmo claimed that he had sold the land to them but not the trees . He had planted a tree for each child born in the village and the trees belonged to the children , not to him . The owners were left with no choice . They had to buy the trees individually from the villages and this took a long time .
3. ” I did not sell the trees because I could not , they are not mine ” . How did the old man support this statement ?
Ans .: The old man explained that he was the oldest person in the village . Almost everyone there was related to him and all the children of Rio en Medio were his neices and nephews . He planted a tree for every child that was born in the village . So the trees in the Orchard belonged to the children . Hence there was no way he could sell the trees along with the land .
4. Don Anselmo’s reaction to the offer of more money was not expected . Justify this statement .
Ans .: Don Anselmo agreed to sell his land for twelve hundred dollars . After the survey the Americans found that the land was more than 8 acres and they were willing to offer twice the amount for the extra land . The old man could have been happy but as he heard this the old man hung his head for a moment and stared at the story teller . He felt that he was being insulted . He told them that he had agreed to sell his property for twelve hundred dollars to the Americans because they are good and stuck to his words . This reaction of the old man is truly unexpected .
Ans : Don Anselmo lived in a small , quaint house in Rio en Medio . He tilled the land that was Inherited to him from his ancestors
Ans : After the survey , the Americans discovered that Don Anselmo owns more than eight acres of land which extends across the river .
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