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Where There Is A Wheel Notes Class 12

Comprehension I
Cycling as a symbol of social mobility means freedom, independence and mobility for rural women.
a. asserting her right to move freely.
For the rural women bicycle represents ‘freedom’.
Cycling has benefitted the rural women the most.
Cycling as a social movement was first popularized by the neo-literates. These neo-literates are the ones who became neo-cyclists.
c. status of women in patriarchal society.
Women had to put up with vicious attacks on their character. Some of the men made filthy remarks. Social sanction from the Arivoli organization, made some menfolk less hostile and some of them even encouraged the women to learn cycling
The phrases ‘flags on the handle bar’ and ‘bells ringing’ refer to the women’s cycle rally organized on the international Women’s Day in 1992 in which 1500 female cyclists took Pudukkottai by storm.
The UNICEF sanctioned fifty mopeds to Arivoli women activists in appreciation of their work of initiating more than 70,000 women from Pudukkotai who have taken part to display their cycling skills at the public ‘exhibition-cum-contests’ in a single week in 1992.
The word ‘humble’ means ‘poor’, the lowest in rank. The writer calls it a humble vehicle because it is the most common and it is seen even in the most remote places, a common man’s vehicle
Muthu Bhaskaran is the male Arivoli activist who penned the famous cycling song.
Pudukkottai district in TamilNadu is the place where the cycling movement took place.
The women of Pudukkottai took to cycling to break free from the maleimposed barriers. ‘Cycling’ enabled them to achieve freedom, mobility and independence.
Jameela Bibi, Fatima, and N.Kannammal are some of the women who have taken to cycling.
A secondary school teacher.
Light of knowledge movement.
Arivoli Iyakkam
Sheela Rani Chunkath, a popular former District Collector, was the brain behind the cycling movement
Sheela Rani added mobility as a part of the literacy drive.
In 1991 Sheela Rani Chunkath started the cycling movement in the Pudukkottai district with the intention of training female literacy activists so that literacy would reach women in the interior.
Twenty two years old Manormani is a quarry worker and an Arivoli volunteer
Cycling by women has become a metaphor for freedom.
Cycling has helped small producers cut down on time wasted in waiting for buses . It has also helped them to give more time to focus on selling their produce. It has also helped them to cover a large area
It costed1200.
Comprehension II
1. Do you think women taking up cycling are as significant as the literacy movement?
Palagummi Sainath is the Rural Affairs Editor of The Hindu , who focus on social problems, rural affairs and globalization in India. This essay is taken from his book ‘Everybody loves a good drought’. Arivoli Iyakkam ‘Light of knowledge Movement’ liberated a vast majority of the rural
women in Pudukottai District by teaching them to read and write along with cycling
Yes, Women taking up cycling are as significant as the literacy movement because their experience has enriched the literacy movement.
The neo-cyclists were bound even more passionately much
before to Arivoli, the Districts vigorous literacy drive. Every neoliterate popularized cycling and saw a direct link between cycling and her personal independence. It reduced their dependence on men. It offered a way out of enforced routines around male imposed barriers. It gave them independence, freedom and mobility. The main thing it gave women was the confidence and the sense of self-respect by becoming financially independent and by sharing the family responsibilities.
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