6th Standard English The Lighthouse Lesson Notes Question Answer Summery Mcq Pdf Download in Kannada Medium 6th Class English 1st Lesson Notes Kseeb Solutions For Class 6 english Chapter 1 Notes 6th Class English 1st Lesson Questions and Answers The Lighthouse Lesson Pdf
The Lighthouse Lesson Questions and Answers

C1. Discuss in pairs and answer the following questions:
1. Why was Rajiv thrilled?
Ans: Rajiv wasthrilled because his father promised him to take him out on visit to the light house.
2. What is a lighthouse?
Ans: a light house is a tall, strong building in the shape of tower with powerful lights.
3. How are lighthouses useful to sailors?
Ans: lighthouses help the saqilors to know where the land is and what place they are near.
Sometimes they are on the seashore and sometimes in the sea. They are in places which are
dangerous to ships and they help to warn and guide the sailors.
4. Where are the lighthouses built?
Ans: the light houses are built on the seashores.
5. What did the people use in lighthouses before the invention of electricity?
Ans: they used wood to light fires and candles in a glass enclosure.
6. How was the first lighthouse built?
Ans: In olden days, wood fires were lit in high places on thr shore. Later a large number of candles
were used with glass around them to keep out the wind.
Find words, from the story, which mean the opposite of the following:
6th Standard English Notes of Lesson 1 Pdf
Ans: i. dangerous – safe
ii. short – tall
iii. far – near
iv. low -high
v. old – modern
vi. Stop – continue
C2. Sit in pairs. Answer each of the following questions in a sentence:
1. Rajiv was thrilled because his father was going to take him out on a visit to the lighthouse.
What incidents in your life made you thrilled? Narrate them.
Ans: Once we visited the Marina beach in channai. The world’s second longest beach. The road
was wide and fine. Status of great men all along the road and the best was the statue of labour.
There were many colourful shops in the beach. It was a beautiful experience to stand on the shore
and being washed by the tides. Horse ride was there. The eateries were also there. That was a
memorable evening.
2. Do you want to invent something new? What kind of invention do you want to make?
Ans: I want to invent a T.V which will be handy and can be carried wherever we go.
3. Lighthouse is not an invention made by any single person. In the same way, there are many
other such inventions which were made with the collective effort of many persons. Make a list
of them and discuss in the class.
Ans: wheel is an invention of many persons. First they put the load in a wooden box and dragged
them and they used the round logs of wood as wheels. Then the wheel were made of light iron
rings.metal wheels were used. Then light rubber tubes and tyers were used to make wheels.
V1. What are the following?
- One who sails across a river or a sea S A I L O R
- One who catches fish for his living F I S H E R M A N
- A tall building in the sea which guides the sailors L I G H T H O U S E
- The area of land by the side of the sea S E A S H O R E
- A journey by sea V O Y A G E
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