9th Standard English The Happy Cure Notes Question Answer Extract Mcq Pdf Download 2023, The Happy Cure Lesson Notes 9th Standard Pdf Kseeb Solutions For Class 9 English Supplementary Chapter 2 Notes 9th Class The Happy Cure Notes Pdf

The Happy Cure Lesson Notes Question Answers

Questions and Answers
I. Answer the following questions in about two or three sentences each:
Answer: Yes. I agree with this statement that the king was foolish. The King claimed that he was at death’s door. But the truth of the matter was that he was suffering from nothing to do. He was being bored to death. Of course, he would not admit this. He groaned and moaned and complained of sharp stabs in every muscle and sticking pains, in every bone in his body. Physicians and surgeons came from far and wide. They looked down the king’s throat, they tapped his chest, and they felt his pulse. But they could find nothing wrong. The King called them ‘dolts’ and asked to bring ordinary doctors. So we can say that he was foolish.
Answer: The king was suffering from having nothing to do. He was being bored to death. But he was not ready to admit this. He groaned and moaned and complained that something was wrong with his health. Physicians and surgeons checked him up. But they could find nothing wrong. So, he called the physicians and surgeons dolts.
The simple old woman peered into the King’s face for, a long time.
Then she said, “your majesty, you are suffering from a rare and strange disease.
So rare and strange, that no name exists for it.
Answer: When the King asked the old woman whether there was any cure for his disease, she told him that he needed to sleep one night in the shirt of a happy man and he would be cured instantly. Here ‘cure’ suggests a remedy and act of curing for the disease of the king.
5. Why did the soldiers and courtiers, messengers and heralds have to travel far and wide?
Answer: The old woman suggested to the king that he needed to sleep one night in the shirt of a happy man and he would be cured instantly. So, he summoned his soldiers and courtiers, messengers and heralds and commanded them to bring him the shirt of a happy man. So, they had to travel far and wide in search of a happy man and bring his shirt.
6. ‘I sing from joy’, said the stranger. Why do you think the stranger sang from joy?
Answer: ‘I sing from joy’, said the stranger. “I love my fellow man, I own but little and want less. I am a happy man and I sing.”
7. Why did the king hang his head in shame? What did he resolve afterward?
Answer: A little stable boy came to the king and told that he had found a happy man. He told the king that “the cure was right here all the time-right at hand-right on the Palace grounds”. He had found a happy man who loved his fellow-men, owned but little and wanted less, but who didn’t possess a shirt.
Realizing his stupidity, the king hung his head in shame. He resolved to be a good king and henceforth, to help his people, to rule wisely and well. He never fancied himself ill again for he became too busy for such a folly.
8. Do you think the little of the story is appropriate? Give reasons.
Answer: The title of the story ‘The happy cure’ is appropriate. The king appeared foolish in the beginning. At the end he realized his folly. He never fancied himself ill again. He resolved himself to be a good king and ruled wisely. His fancied disease was cured in a simple way from the example of a happy man. So the title is suitable.
9. “People who have nothing to do are bored to death.” Explain this Statement.
Answer: Man’s mind never keeps idle. Something will be running in his mind continuously. These thoughts must be put into action by man. He is supposed to be a very busy man. When so many works is waiting around him to bp done he must do it. Being laze if he does not do it, he will imagine the unwanted and uncurable idea. One such thing is the imagination of the king that he is ill.
10. Suggest another title to the story.
Answer: “A good realization.”
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