8th Standard English Sir C.V. Raman Notes Question Answer Pdf Download in Kannada And English Medium, 8th Standard English Notes of Lesson 2 Kseeb Solutions For Class 8 English Chapter 2 Notes Sir C.V. Raman Notes in English Sir C.V. Raman Question Answer 8th Standard 8th Class English 2nd Lesson Questions and Answers Pdf 8th Standard Sir C.V. Raman Question and Answer 8th Std Sir C V Raman Lesson Solutions

C I. Answer the Following Questions.
Chandrashekara Iyer and Parvathi Ammal were Raman’s parents.
Raman was not able to attend the school regularly because he used to fall sick now and then.
He completed his intermediate examination from Hindu college.
His relatives advised him to take History and Economics for B.A.
Raman could not go to United Kingdom for higher studies because his health broke down again.
C II. Answer the following questions.
8th Standard English Notes Sir C.V. Raman Pdf
1) How long did he work at Calcutta University?
He worked for fifteen years at Calcutta University.
2) What made Raman give up the highly paid post of special Accountant General?
His keen interest in science made him to give up the post of special Accountant general.
3) How did Soviet Union honour him?
The Soviet Union honoured him by awarding the international Lenin prize.
C. III. Read the following questions then write
1) What makes you think that Raman even as a boy had great interest in Science?
Even as a boy Raman had made the model of dynamo. He was very much interested in Science. During his school days he borrowed science books from college students and read them.
2) Why did Raman’s relatives ask Raman to take up arts subject? How did Raman react to it?
His relatives asked him to take up arts subjects, which would enable him to appear for competitive examination and get highest job in the Government. But Raman did not like it. He took science for his B.A: and M.A. examination and secured first class.
3) What was Raman’s first dis appointment in life?
After his M.A. Raman wanted to go to the United Kingdoms for higher studies in science. But his health broke down again and he could not go. This was the greatest dis appointment in his life.
4) Why was Raman not happy with the post of Deputy Accountant General?
Raman was not happy how could a scientist like Raman put up with the life of Deputy Accountant General? He felt like a fish out of water in his new post. But he still hopes of becoming a scientist.
5) How can you say that Raman had not lost interest in science when he was the Deputy Accounted General?
Raman’s interest for science was alive when he saw a banner in a building which was printed. “The Indian
Association of scientists”. At the sight of the banner Raman got off the moving train and went to meet the scientists. In Rangoon he learnt that an institution had bought a piece of modern scientific apparatus he hurriedly put on his clothes and went to that his interest in science was still alive and he had not lost interest in Science.
V1 Fill in the blanks with the words opposite in meaning to the words under lined.
1) We should neither borrow nor lend.
2) Why do you feel old? Feel young.
3) Don’t stand outside come inside.
4) Are wealthy people really happy or unhappy/sad?
5) Eat less work more.
V-2. The pronounciation of the following pairs of woods are almost the same but they differ in meaning use each word in the pair in meaningful sentences.
1) knew, new
Knew: He knew about the great scientits of the world.
New: We wear new clothes on the days of festivals.
2) Sight -site
Sight: Raju saw beautiful sight near Banvasi.
site: My father purchased a site near Saibaba’s temple.
3) Some – sum
Some: Some students attended the class but others did not
Sum: This sum is very difficult to solve.
4) Plays – Place
Plays: Last sunday many plays were enacted Mantap.
Place: I don’t know the place of his residence.
V-3. Fill in blanks with suitable phrasal verbs or idioms: (make up, put up with, give up, put on, a fish out of water, make out, break down)
1) We usually put on cotton clothes during summer.
2) One day a villager came to me and asked me to read the letter. I tried my best but could not make out what the person had written.
3) Great persons have an ocean of patience. They have learnt to put up with difficulties.
4) Raju’s health used to break down now and then. So he had to give up highly paid post as Accountant in an office. At first he felt like a fish out of water.
5) People should make up their mind to fight against corruption.
V-4. Make compound words with the words given in column. A and B and use the same in meaningful sentences of your own.
1) Boyhood: Gopal was interested in science in his boyhood.
2) Time table: Our school has not yet prepared the timetable.
3) First class : Raman passed his B.A. examination in First Class.
4) Speed post: Send your letter by speed post it is very urgent.
5) Class mate: Raju is my classmate we study together.
V-5. Which words I Phrases in the text mean more or less the same as the following? Paragraph numbers are given in the brackets.
1) Boyhood – early days
2) Uncomfortable – feel like a fish out of water
3) Chance – opportunity
4) Happily – gladly
5) Not remember – forgot
6) Morning food – breakfast
7) Money permitted to be drawn for expense travelling
allow once.
8) Sympathy – pity
V-6. Give the negative form of the underlined words using a prefix like in un, dis, im.
1) an interesting story – an uninteresting story
2) a fortunate thing – an unfortunate thing
3) a correct answer – an in correct answer
4) a pure heart – an impure heart
5) a happy day – an un happy day
6) an honest person – a dis honest person.
V-7. Fill in the blanks with noun forms of the underlined words.
1) The teacher dictates notes.
The teacher gave us dictation.
2) Admit suresh to VIII standard.
Let Suresh get admission to VIII standard
3) Literates should educate villagers.
Literates should give educations to villagers.
4) Appoint him.
Give him an appointment.
5) Have you decided Where to go?
Have you taken decision where to go?
V-8. Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the words given in brackets.
1) The speaker accepted the resignation of the legislator.
2) We should not have too much attachment to anything.
3) The discovery of the sea route to India was made by
4) The Teacher admired the honesty of Manjula.
5) Have a Scientific outlook.
6) Please don’t cause inconvenience to others.
7) Make meaningful sentences.
8) Why are you Afraid of the examination?
9) Chemistry is an interesting subject
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ಕನ್ನಡ ದೀವಿಗೆ.in ಜಾಲತಾಣದಲ್ಲಿ 8ನೇ ತರಗತಿಯ ಪಠ್ಯಪುಸ್ತಕಗಳು ನೋಟ್ಸ್ , ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆ ಉತ್ತರಗಳ ಕುರಿತು ನಿಮಗೆ ಯಾವುದೇ ಪ್ರಶ್ನೆಗಳನ್ನು ಹೊಂದಿದ್ದರೆ, ಕೆಳಗೆ ಒಂದು ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್ ಅನ್ನು ಮಾಡಿ ತಿಳಿಸಿ.