7th Standard English Ekalavya Lesson Notes Question Answer Extract Mcq Questions Pdf Download, 7th Class English Ekalavya Question Answer Pdf Kseeb Solutions For Class 7 English Chapter 3 Notes Ekalavya Question Answer English 7th English 3rd Lesson Notes 2024
7th Standard English Chapter 3 Notes Question Answer

C1. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase or a sentence each:
Ans: Ekalavya was son of Hiranya Dhanus the hunter chief of the southern forest.
Ans: He went to Dronacharya the great acharya of Pandavas Kauravas to learn archey.
Ans: He wanted to learn to save the young deer from wolves.
Ans: Ekalavya short arrows at the approaching noise he thought that the party of hunters
had set their dogs against the innocent animals since he heard the barking sound of dogs.
Ans: That line is ‘your teacher must indeed be a great one’
Ans: By seeing Ekalavya’s skilful trick of Shabdavedhi Drona appreciated him.
Ekalavya’s skill was uncomparable. It was an extraordinary skill.
Ans: According to Drona Ekalavya became a good archer by his devotion. His devotion
only made him a good archer.
C2. Answer each of the following questions and compare your answers with those of your partner:
1. Why did Drona refuse to teach archery to Ekalavya?
Ans: Drona refused to teach archery to Ekalavya because he made an vow that the would
not teach other than Kshatriya or a Brahmin. His vow binds to refuse Ekalavya.
2. How did Ekalavya learn archery?
Ans: Ekalavya had deep devotion for his guru. He was a devoted disciple and believed that
he should learn with his guru’s blessings. The same blessings guided him and helped him in
reaching his goal. Within two years he was master in archery by his devotion.
3. What made Drona appreciate Ekalavya’s skill?
Ans: By seeing Ekalavya’s skilful trick of Shabdavedhi Drona appreciated him.
Ekalavya’s skill was uncomparable. It was an extraordinary skill.
4. How, according to Drona, did Ekalavya become a good archer?
Ans: According to Drona Ekalavya became a good archer by his devotion. His devotion
only made him a good archer.
C3. Answer the following questions after discussing with the other groups in the class:
1. Is it the duty of a student to protect the honour of the teacher?
Ans: Yes, It is the duty of every student to protect the honour of the teacher. Sinec the
teacher is guru and God himself.
2. Narrate briefly the circumstances that made Ekalavya offer his right thumb as
gurudakshina to Drona.
Ans: After two years Ekalavya became a master in archery. When Drona and Arjuna saw
his great skill in Shabdhavedhi they wondered and praised his guru. But his guru was none
ither than Drona. Though Drona had not taught him directly. Arjuna was jealous of
Ekalavya. So Arjuna accused his guru that he had not kept his word. Drona was pressurised
by Arjun and the situation made him to ask the right thumb of Ekalavya as his
gurudakshina. Being humble disciple and devotee of his guru Ekalvya was ready to offer his
right thumb and requested his guru to accept it and bless him. Really Ekalavya was a noble
student history ever saw.
3. Discuss with your partner/teacher about Ekalavya’s Gurudakshina.
Ans: Self -assessment
Ekalavya is a small kit ,which has only 2 scenes. The main characters of the play are Drona ,
Arjuna , Ekalavya and Pandava and Kaurava princes.
Pandava and Kaurava princes learned all the tricks of archey and Arjuns asked Drona that
they did not learn to shoot an unseen odject .Drona answered that was Shabdavedhi ,aiming
at an object merely by hearing the sound .A boy enters and biws his head .He was Ekalavya
.the son of Hiranya Dhanus ,a bold hunter .Ekalavya came there to learn archery from
Dronacharya in order to protect the fawns from greedy wolves .
Arjuna objected that Drona should not accept Ekalavya was nt a prince .Ekalavya requested ,but Drona was binded by his vow. So Drona blessed him and Ekalavya made up is maid to learn archery by his
blessing only.Ekalavya was determined and had a goal to protect the fawns .So he lernt archery more skillfully. He achieved his goal and fawns are free from trouble .Ekalavya made the statue of Drona and worshipped his guru . After two years, one day heard the sound of dongs at a distance .
He shot arrows in the direction of the sound .The sound stoped. Draona , Arjuna and other princes entered with the poor dog with arrows in its mouth Drona and Arjuna appreciate Ekalavya skill ,and felt his guru was really a great teacher . After knowing that his guru was none other than Drona himself . Being jealous Arjuna accused Drana that he has kept his word .Drona asked Ekalavya ‘s thumb as
gurudakshina .Ekalavya was an humple pupil he had great respect towards his guru accepted . Without any hesitation he cut his right thumb with a knife and placed it in front of his guru Drona . Ekalavya asked gurus blessing and Drona said that what a noble soul ,god bless you . Drona blessed Ekalavya . Ekalavya was an ideal pupil and devoted to his guru . He sacrificed his skillful archery to his guru.
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