7th Standard English Why God Made Teachers Poem Notes Question Answer Extract Mcq Pdf Download, 7th Class English 3rd Poem Notes Pdf 2024 Kseeb Solutions For Class 7 English Poem 3 Notes 7th Standard Why God Made Teachers Question Answer
Why God Made Teachers Poem in English

Check your understanding:
C1. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each:
Ans: ‘His’ refer to God it is written with a capital letter since he created the whole world he
is the Lord.
Ans: We become a better person after discovering the beauty and wonder.
Ans: We would decide how to live and low to do and what’s right instead of wrong after
teachers guidance.
Ans: We should learn how to make our world a better wiser place with the help of our
C2. Discuss in your group and answer in a sentence or two each:
1. How do teachers help us by becoming our special friends?
Ans: Teachers help us to understand God’s world in easy way by becoming our special
friends. And also they us to become a better person.
2. How does God want teachers to guide us?
Ans: God created teachers to show the way and they guide us to choose or decide the right
path. The teachers are special guide to everyone.
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