9th Standard English The Three Questions Notes Question Answer Extract Mcq Pdf Download in Kannada Medium Three Questions Class 9 Notes 2023 Three Questions Answers 9th Standard the three questions pdf Kseeb Solutions For class 9 English Chapter 2 notes

9th the three questions answers Mcq Pdf
the thought came to the king that the would never fail if he knew three things
The three questions for which the king wanted to have
answers were.
1.What is the right time to begin something?
2.Who should a king listen to?
3.What is the most important thing for a king to do?
Ans: ‘No’ he was not satisfied. Because many wise men came to the king were answered his questions differently.
Ans: The king decided to seek the advice of a certain hermit, who was widely known for his wisdom.
Answer the Following Questions About 2/3 Sentence each:
1. How did the king treat the wounded person?
Ans: The king and the hermit removed the man’s clothing and found a large wound in his stomach. The king washed and covered it with his handkerchief, but the blood would not stop flowing. The king re dressed the wound until the bleeding was stopped.
2. Why did the bearded man swear revenge on the king?
Ans: property. Because the king put his brother to death and seized his
3. Who had wounded the man and why?
Ans: The king’s body guard wounded the man. Because they recognized him as the enemy of their king.
4. Why did the man say that he would serve the king as his most faithful servant?
Ans: life. Because the king dressed his wounds and saved his
5. What did the king promise the man?
Ans: The king promised to give back the man his property.
6. The hermit said that the king had been answered. If you agree, what was the answer to the first question?
Ans: Yes, I agree. There is only one time that is important and that time is ‘Now’. It is the most important time because it is the only time we have any power to act.
7. Why did the hermit say that he was the most important man?
Ans: Because the king took pity on hermit and dig the beds. The most important person is the person you are with at a particular moment.
8. According to the hermit’ now’ is the most important time. Why?
Ans: It is the most important time because it is the only time we have any power to act.
9. What according to the hermit was the most important business?
Ans: According to the hermit the most important business is to do that person good, because we are sent into this world for that purpose alone.
Answer the Following Question About 10 sentence each
1. What did the King promise the man?
Answer: The King promised to give back the man his property.
2. The hermit said that the King had been answered. If you agree, what was the answer to the first question?
Answer: The hermit said that the king had been answered. We agree with this point. The first question of the King was – “What is the right time to begin something?” If the King had not pitied the hermit s weakness and had not dug those beds for him he would have gone away. Then that man, bearded one would have attacked. So the most important time was when the King was digging. In another incident, the most important time was when he was caring for the wounded man.
3. Why did the hermit say that he was the most important man?
King took pity on hermit and spent a whole day with him in digging the beds. If he had not dug those beds for him, he would have gone away. Then, the enemy of the king would have killed him. The king later saved his life. The most important person is the person that we are with at any particular moment. So hermit said that he was the most important man.
4. According to the hermit “How is the most important time. Why?
Answer: According to the hermit ‘Now’ is the most important time, because there is only one time that is the most important. The digging of beds by the King was only time that was the most important because it saved him from the bearded man’s attack. Secondly the King’s caring the wound of the bearded man was the only time that was the most important because his caring saved the life of the bearded man.
5. What according to the hermit was the most important business?
Answer: According to the hermit the most important business was the King’s digging the beds, for the hermit and caring the wound of the bearded man. These are considered as the most important business to do good that person.
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