6th Standard English The Scholars Mother Tongue Notes Question Answer Summery Mcq Pdf in Kannada Medium, 6th Class English 2nd Lesson Notes 2024 Kseeb Solutions For Class 6 English Chapter 2 Notes 6th Standard English Notes of Lesson 2
The Scholar’s Mother Tongue Question Answer 6th Standard

C1. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences each :
1. Who was the visitor at Akbar’s court one day?
Ans: One day a learned scholar, (pandit) visited Akhbar’s court.
2. What did he tell the king and courtiers?
Ans: He told the king that he was a master of many languages fluently.
3. What did he challenge the court?
Ans: The pandit challenged the court to find out his mother tounge.
4. What did Birbal tickle the Pandit’s ear with?
Ans: Bridal tickled the Pandit’s ear with a feather.
5. Was Pandit’s mother tongue Hindi? Mention his mother tongue.
Ans: No. His mother tongue was not Hindi.It was Thelugu.
C2. Say whether the following statements are True or False.
1. A learned scholar once visits the court of Jahangir.
Ans: False
2. Birbal says he can speak many languages.
Ans: False
3. Birbal tickles Pandit’s ear with a feather.
Ans: True
The Pandit admits his defeat.
Ans: True
C3. The paragraph below is the story you have just read. Rearrange the sentences to make it meaningful. Do it in pairs.
a. Birbal came to the court the next day and told everyone that the Pandit’s mother tongue was
b. The Pandit could speak many languages fluently. He challenged everybody at the court to name
his mother tongue.
c. A learned Pandit once visited the court of Akbar. He told the King that he had mastery over
different languages.
d. Everyone in the court failed; the challenge was taken up by Birbal.
e. The King questioned how he knew this and Birbal narrated the incident that took place in the
Pandit’s bedroom.
f. Birbal quietly entered into the Pandit’s bedroom and tickled his ear with a feather. Pandit, half
awake, shouted out words in his mother tongue.
c. A learned Pandit once visited the court of Akbar. He told the King that he had mastery over
different languages.
b. The Pandit could speak many languages fluently. He challenged everybody at the court to name
his mother tongue.
d. Everyone in the court failed; the challenge was taken up by Birbal.
e. The King questioned how he knew this and Birbal narrated the incident that took place in the
Pandit’s bedroom.
f. Birbal quietly entered into the Pandit’s bedroom and tickled his ear with a feather. Pandit, half
awake, shouted out words in his mother tongue.
a. Birbal came to the court the next day and told everyone that the Pandit’s mother tongue was
e. The King questioned how he knew this and Birbal narrated the incident that took place in the
Pandit’s bedroom.
Fill in the blanks with the opposites of the underlined words :
- We are in the same class, but have different opinions about
the teacher. - My friend failed to solve the riddle, but I succeded.
- Raghav was quiet in a noisy class.
- Mother stayed awake while the child was asleep in the cradle.
- I accepted to help Sonu, but he rejected my help.
- Shantha thought that the sum is difficult, but after working it out she found it easy.
Fill in the blanks with ‘a’ , ‘an’ or ‘the’. The first one has been done for you.
a – man and a – woman
- a cow and an ox
- an apple and a mango
- a hen and an egg
- a banana and an orange
- a young woman and an old man
- an umbrella and a stick
- a pen and an inkpot
- The Taj Mahal and the Red fort
- The Bible the Quran
Ans: He told the king that he was a master of many languages fluently.
Ans: No. His mother tongue was not Hindi.It was Thelugu.
Ans: One day a learned scholar, (pandit) visited Akhbar’s court.
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