6th Standard English How do Bees Make Honey Lesson Notes Question Answer Pdf Download in Kannada Medium, 6th Class English 3rd Lesson Notes Kseeb Solutions For Class English Chapter 3 Notes How do Bees Make Honey Class 6 Question Answer
6th Standard English Notes How do Bees Make Honey

C1. Answer the following questions in a word, a phrase or a sentence each :
1. What does honey contain?
Ans : Honey contains sugar, protein, iron and calcium.
2. Why do bees fan honey?
Ans : to prepare for long –term storage, the bees fan their wings to evaporate and thicken the
3. Where do bees store the honey?
Ans : Bees store the honey in the honey combs and cap them with wax.
4. What is a honeycomb?
Ans : A honey comb is hexagonal cell made of wax produced by the bees.
5. How long does a honey bee live?
Ans : A honey bee does not live longer than month.
6. Read the lesson again and write two things that the bees do to produce honey.
Ans : 1) Bees visit flowers and collect nectar. They store the nectar in their stomachs and carry it
to the beehive. The nectar mixes with the proteins and enzymes in their stomachs, The nectar is
thus converted into honey.
2) The bees then drop the honey into the honey combs. To prepare for long term storage, the bees
fan their wings to evaporate and thicken with wax.
7. Mention the work done by the house bees and field bees.
Ans : The house bees keep the houses clean and well ventilated. They build new combs to store
C2. Discuss the following questions in small groups and present your answers to the whole class:
1. Do you think honey bees are hard working? Give reasons.
Ans : Yes, the honey bees are hard working. At the time of honey gathering season they work very
hard, as a result, a honey bee do not live longer than one month.
2. Have you ever tasted honey? Have you seen a bee hive or a honey comb?
Ans : Yes, I have tasted honey while taking medicinal powder for cough. Yes I have seen a bee hive
and a honey comb.
3. What do we use honey for?
Ans : We use honey to calm a cough and soothe a sore throat. It kills bacteria.
4. Imagine that you are a honey bee. Explain how you make honey.
Ans : During the spring season, the plants will be full of colourful flowers. I use my long tube like
tongue, to suck the nectar from the flower. I store the nectar in my honey sac. In the stomach the
nectar get mixed with the proteins and enxymes produced by me and becomes honey. Then I drop
the hony into the honeycombs and fn wings to make it thick. I fill each honeycomb with honey and
cap it with wax.
Ans : to prepare for long –term storage, the bees fan their wings to evaporate and thicken the
Ans : Bees store the honey in the honey combs and cap them with wax.
Ans : A honey comb is hexagonal cell made of wax produced by the bees.
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