5th Standard English Shabale Lesson Notes Question Answer Mcq Pdf Download in Kannada And English Medium 5th Class English 5th Lesson Notes Kseeb Solutions Class 5 English Chapter 5 Notes 5th English 5th Chapter Notes

Ans : Vasishta was sage.
Ans : He lived in a hermitage in a forest.
Ans : Shabale gave Vasishta food, drink, clothes anything he asked for. She provided milk
and milk products to offer to God. She was also capable of producing fierce worriors to
protect her master.
Ans : Kaushika asked Vasishta to give Shabale to him in exchange for ten thousand cows.
Ans : Kaushika realized that he was not powerful enough and could not win anything by force.
C2 Read the sentences and put them in the appropriate columns
• She gave him food, drink, clothes etc.
• She underwent an amazing change.
• She was producing fierce warriors to protect her master.
• Her head and neck grew larger.
• Balls of fire came out from her tail.
• Many soldiers came out from her mouth, udder and her sides.
Language Exercises
L1 Write the past tense forms of:
- pray – prayed
- drag – dragged
- refuse – refused
- give – gave
- ask – asked
- go – went
- order – ordered
- kill – killed
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