6th Standard English Neerja Bhanot: Brave in life, Brave in Death Lesson Notes Question Answer summry Mcq Pdf Download in Kannada Medium 2024 Kseeb Solutions For Class 6 English Chapter 7 Notes 6th Standard English 7th Lesson Notes
Sixth Standard Second Language English Unit 7 Notes

C1. Discuss the following questions in small groups and answer them in a sentence each:
1. Where does Neerja study?
Ans : She study at Sacred Heart senior secondary school, Chandigarh, Bombay Scottish school and St. Xavier’s college, Mumbai.
2. Why was the flight described as ‘ill-fated’?
Ans : The flight was ill fated because it was hijacked.
3. Name the highest civilian award for bravery given by the Indian government.
Ans : Ashoka Chakra
4. Name the flight that was hijacked. When and where did this happen?
Ans : Pan Am Flight 73
PA 73 was the flight that was hijacked. It happenened at 5 am in Karachi.
5. Who did the terrorists shoot first?
Ans : athe terrorist first short dead a passenger who identified himself to the
terrorists as being an American.
4. What did the pilot, co-pilot and the flight engineer do when they heard about the hijack? Do
you think they were right in doing so?
Ans : When they heard about the hijack the pilot and the flight engineer ran away from the aircraft when the plan was on the run away. Yes, they were right in doing so. Otherwise terrorists would have held them hostage and forced hem to take the flight to unknown destination and would have claimed a huge ransom or killed all the passengers.
5. Did Neerja hide the passports of the Americans? Why/ Why not?
Ans : Yes, She hide the passport of the Americans because the terrorists wanted to identify the
Americans and kill them.
6. Why is Neerja called ‘the heroine of the hijack’?
Ans : Neerja, being the most senior cabin crew member on the board, took charge of the flight when the other 3 members left the aircraft. Neerja opened the emergency door and helped a number of passengers escape. So, she can well be called as the heroine of hijack.
7. What is your ambition in life? Do you want to become an air hostess or a pilot or a flight engineer?
Ans : I want to become an air hostess.
C2. Arrange the following sentences in an order to make a meaningful paragraph.
- After 17 hours, the hijackers opened fire and set off explosives.
- Acting quickly, Neerja opened the emergency door and helped a number of passengers escape.
- Neerja was the Senior Flight Purser on a Pan Am flight which was hijacked at Karachi airport.
- She hid the passports of the Americans as the hijackers wanted to execute Americans.
- Neerja laid down her life, while saving hundreds of others.
- Neerja comforted the passengers, especially the elderly and small children.
Answer :
Ans :1. Neerja was the Senior Flight Pursuer on Pan Am Flight which was
hijacked at Karachi airport.
- Neerja identified herself to the terrorists as the crew member in charge.
- She hid the passports of the Americans as the hijackers wanted to execute
Americans. - Neerja comforted the passengers, especially the elderly and small children.
5.After 17 hours, the hijackers opened fire and set off explosives. - Acting quickly, Neerja opened the emergency door and helped a number of
passengers escape. - Neerja laid down her life, while saving hundreds of others.
Ans : She study at Sacred Heart senior secondary school, Chandigarh, Bombay Scottish school and St. Xavier’s college, Mumbai.
Ans : Ashoka Chakra
Ans : Yes, She hide the passport of the Americans because the terrorists wanted to identify the
Americans and kill them.
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