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Japan And Brazil Through A Traveller’s Eye 2nd Puc

Comprehension I
Courtesy substitutes privacy in Japan.
a. How the Japanese respect privacy
The word ‘quaint’ means attractive in an old fashioned way. He calls bowing ‘quaint’ because the Japanese bow to each other with the ceremonious solemnity of a courtier yet with a great deal of natural and inimitable grace.
a. Youngsters bow to their elders
b. Wife bow to her husband
c. Sisters bow to their brothers
Ans,. (b) and (c)
When a person is eating soup offered by a host or hostess, he must make a fearful noise so as to show his sign of appreciation; the host or hostess will think that the guest is ill-mannered
The grey pavements in the streets of Copacabana are often decorated with beautiful black mosaics-unique type of decoration. We can infer that the people are alive to the beauty in their surroundings and who have plenty of time for contemplation during their meditative and ambulatory exercises.
When leisurely people in Brazil get a steering wheel in their hands , they drive with great speed which would then be inclined to believe that gaining a tenth of a second is a matter of grave importance for all of them all the time.
The drivers look out for pedestrians. They notice a pedestrian step off the pavement, he regards him as fair game, he takes aim and accelerates the vehicles. The pedestrian has to jump, leap and run for
their lifes.
The war between the drivers is murderous but good tempered. They cut in, overtake on both sides and force the other person to brake violently and commit all the most heinous crimes. But they smile at the other person without any anger, hostility or mad hooting.
George Mikes calls a man’s telephone receiver his castle.
It will take only a quarter of an hour in Japan for one to be convinced that one is among exquisitely well-mannered people.
People who live on a hopelessly overcrowded island have to respect one another’s privacy.
The twin functions of courtesy are being courteous to one another in speech and behavior and respecting one another’s privacy.
The author says that a man’s telephone receiver is his castle because one can conduct one’s most confidential business transactions, their intimate love-quarrels in public in perfect privacy without the
least fear of being overheard by anyone else.
stand at the top of escalators.
Tokyo and Osaka.
Before the departure of the train, two conductors enter the carriage in a slightly theatrical scene. They march to the middle of the coach, bow ceremoniously in both directions and then start checking the tickets.
The writer met a deer in one of the parts of Nara, which is a wild deer park in Japan.
Comprehension II
1. Do you think the author is finding fault with/making fun of the culture of bowing in Japanese and speeding cars in Brazil?
George Mikes is an artist, author publisher illustrator and journalist from Hungary. His books include ‘The Hungarian Revolution’ ‘Uber Alles’ Shakespeare and myself, Italy for Beginners, How to be an artist
etc. These excerpts are chosen from ‘The Rising of the Yen’ and ‘How to Tango.’ No. This article is a piece of travel writing. This narrative should be read as the author’s perspective on Japanese culture and speeding cars in Brazil. The author is not trying to find fault but expressing his surprise when he looks at their cultural habits as an outsider.
Where he wants to convey his readers that the society and culture into which the individual is born play most significant role in the development of personality. That is why the individual who is brought up in Japanese or Brazilian culture will develop his own food habits,
language, dress, emotional expression, motivational satisfaction, perception, thinking etc.
Author shows his at most compliment for Japanese manners and deeply appreciates people of Brazil for their sweet and sensible temperament and their aesthetic sense. That is a unique type of decorating the grey pavements in the streets of Copacabana with beautiful black mosaics. So this travel writing is purely a narrative piece of creative writing. In some places language appears to be humorous.
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