9th Standard English A Girl Called Golden Poem Notes Question Answer Summery Extract Mcq Pdf in Kannada Medium Class 9th English Poem 3 Notes Kseeb Solutions For Class 9 English Poem 3 Notes a Girl Called Golden Questions and Answers A girl Called Golden 9th Standard

9th Standard English A Girl Called Golden Poem Summery :
The poet writes about a golden runner by name Betty Cuthbert. She was an Australian runner or athlete. She was a great sprinter and had won three gold medals at the 1956 Olympic games in Melbourne. She also got another gold medal at the 1964 Olympics in Tokyo.
The poet says that it is all due to her hard work and perseverance. She has the goal and the desire to achieve it. Then the poet writes about as under. She ran when her classmates were walking. She ran fast when others were only running. Others were playing but she was training others. The poet wanted to know the secret of her success.
She had the fresh air, she listened to the words of her coach and others she made continuous efforts. She did not mind the physical problems. She did not pay any attention to bodily pain and aches because she had the only aim of reaching her goal. She possessed strong will power. She was encouraged by all. Due to her hard work, dedication, perseverance, listening capacity, patience and following ideals, she could succeed in her life. She got gold medals and left us a lesson that hard work always gives fruits. It never goes in vain.
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