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Comprehension I
a. had not abandoned his village.
After becoming the Minister of Culture, Marcus bought two long cars and had just built himself the biggest house anyone had seen. He christened his new house “Umuofia Mansion. He had entertained his people slaughtering five bulls and countless goats to feed the people. He had installed a private plant to supply electricity to his new home.
b. he enjoyed all the comforts of the city in his village.
c. realized Marcus’s wealth
c. clandestine distribution of money
c. he wanted to confirm the amount paid to each.
c. the benefits the elders received
a. friends
c. known to each other
a. the red notes on the floor
c. absolving himself of his guilt
Port Harcourt.
The Progressive Organisation Party had been formed by the tribes down the coast
Roof was popular in his village because, unlike most of his fellows, he had not abandoned the village in order to seek work in the towns
Roof became Marcus’ election campaign manager and received a lot of money and gifts from Marcus. He won a land case because he had been chauffeur-driven to the disputed site
The writer uses the proverb, “fly trying to move a dunghill”, it describes strength of Marcus Ibe and weakness of opposition party.
Comprehension I
1. What was the justification for the formation of the POP?
Chinua Achebe is a Nigerian novelist, poet, professor, and critic. Achebe’s novels focus on the traditions of Igbo society, the effect of Christian influences, and the clash of western and traditional African
values during and after the colonial era.
The enemy Roof had referred to was the Progressive Organization Party (POP) which had been formed by the tribes down the coast to save themselves, as the founders of the party proclaimed, from “total political, cultural, social and religious annihilation.” They want the people to know that they will be paid pounds and not shillings if they vote for them.
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