6th Standard English The King’s Ministers Lesson Notes Question Answer Summery Extract Questions Mcq Pdf Download in Kannada Medium 2024 Kseeb Solutions For Class 6 English Chapter 4 Notes The King’s Ministers Question Answer 6th Standard English 4th Lesson Question Answer
6th Standard English the King’s Ministers Question Answer

C1. Answer each question briefly :
1. Who did the lion make his Home Minister and why?
Ans : The lion made fox his home minister because he was known to be very wise and clever.
2. Who was made the Defence Minister and why?
Ans : The leopard was a very alert and swift footed animal so he was made his defense minister.
3. Why was the crow made the Minister for External Affairs?
Ans : The crow could fly high in the sky, so he was made minister for External Affairs.
4. What promise did the three ministers make to the king?
Ans : The three ministers swore to remain loyal to the king.
5. What did the king promise to do for his ministers?
Ans : The king promised to give them food and protection.
6. How did the ministers always have enough to eat?
Ans : When the lion went hunting, they helped him to find the prey. After having his fill, he would leave the remains for them. Thus they always had enough to eat.
7. What did the crow tell the lion about the camel?
Ans : The crow told the lion that the camel looked very fat and big.
8. Who brought the camel to the lion and how?
Ans : The clever fox brought the camel to the lion. The fox said “ Our king is the brave lion. He has killed your cruel master, and now you are free. The good king has invited you to come and live with him in the forest.
9. Why did the lion feel grateful to the camel?
Ans : The lion was feeling very hungry. But his paws were badly burnt and he could not go to hunt by himself. So he asked his ministers to get him some food.
10. Why did the lion ask his ministers to get him some food?
Ans : The lion felt grateful to the camel because he carried him back to the forest.
11. Who do you think proved most faithful to the king?
Ans : The camel proved most faithful to the king.
C2. Write down the words used to describe the following animals :
Animals | Description |
Lion | fierce and strong |
Fox | wise and clever |
leopard | alert and swift footed |
Crow | greedy |
Camel | true and faithful. |
C3. Discuss the following questions in small groups and present your answers to the whole class :
1. ‘ The clever fox at once thought of a plan.’ What plan did the clever fox think of?
Ans : The clever fox at once thought of a plan, off he ran and came to the place where the camel
was sitting “Hello, friend!” he said to the camel, “How, lucky you are! Our king has invited you to
his court. Now please hurry up and come with me.
2. ‘The ministers were shocked to hear this.’ What did they hear? Why were they shocked?
Ans : As soon as they reached the forest. The lion turned to the camel and said, “Friend I must
thank you for saving my life. You are welcome to live with me in my forest as long as you like. I
promise you my protection”. The ministers were shocked to hear this. They had all the time been
longing to eat camel’s meat.
3.‘ The camel was deeply moved by the loyalty shown by the three ministers.’ Were the three ministers loyal to the lion? Give reasons.
Ans : No, the 3 ministers were not loyal to their king, the lion.
The camel was deeply moved by the loyalty shown by the 3 ministers. He thought that it was his duty to offer himself as food for the king. He asked the lion to eat him instead of the ministers. Hardly had the camel spoken these words, the3 ministers were ready to pounce on them. But the lion stopped them immediately and said that he was deeply touched by their offers and he would readily accept them all. He said that he would eat them in the same order in which they offered themselves. The lion said this to test their loyalty. The ministers looked at each other and without a moment to lose, they all ran away from the place. But only the camel remained there. Thus the 3 ministers proved that they were not loyal to their king.
4. Why did the three ministers run away from the place?
Ans : When the camel offered himself for the lion to eat, the 3 ministers were ready to pounce on the camel. But the lion stopped them immediately. He wanted to test their loyalty. So he said to them that he was deeply touched by their offers and he would readily accept them all. He said that he would readily accept them all. He said that he would eat them in the same order in which they offered themselves. The ministers looked at each other and without a moment to lose, they all disappeared from the place but only the camel remained there. They ran away from the place because they were not loyal to their king
Ans : The leopard was a very alert and swift footed animal so he was made his defense minister.
Ans : The three ministers swore to remain loyal to the king.
Ans : The crow told the lion that the camel looked very fat and big.
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