8th Standard English The First Woman in Space Notes Question Answer Extract Mcq Pdf Download in Kannada And English Medium Karnataka 2024 Karnataka Solutions for Class 8 English Supplementary Chapter 4 The First Woman in Space The First Woman in Space Question and Answer

I. Answer each of the following.
1) When did Valentina go round the earth what was great about thisevent?
After months of rigorous training she was chosen to fly into outer space. It was a proudest moment in her life whom she talked from outer space to millions of her fellow men on the earth about her thrilling experience.
2) How did Valentina help her mother? What else was she doing at the same time?
Valentina helped her mother by working in a tyre factory and then at a textile mill. At the same time she attended some classes at Yaroslavl. In 1960 she graduated from a trade school.
3) How did people all over the world share joys at the historic moment?
Crowds of people all over the world simply danced for joy when they heard that Mrs. Valentine was going round the globe.
4) What did she say on landing after the space flight?
On being asked about her flight she said smilingly that the probable know the saying that it was very nice to be guest but it was always better at home. She said when she landed, she felt joy
being at home again.
5) Apart from flying, what were valentinas hobbies?
Valentina’s hobbies were music, literature, reading and she loved a happy and quiet homelife.
Valentina’s hobbies were music, literature, reading and she loved a happy and quiet homelife.
Crowds of people all over the world simply danced for joy when they heard that Mrs. Valentine was going round the globe.
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