6th Standard English My People Poem Notes Question Answer Summery Extract Mcq Pdf Download in Kannada Medium 2024 My People Poem Class 6 Kseeb Solutions For Class 6 English Poem 7 Notes Kannada And English Medium

C1. Answer the following in a word, a phrase or a sentence each :
1. Who are referred to as ‘they’ in the poem?
Ans : Hard working skilled labourers of various work are referred to as ‘they’ here.
2.“They weave cloth, but they go naked.” What does this line mean?
Ans : They weave cloth for people to dress up well but their incomes makes them go nacked.
3. Why do these people sigh?
Ans : After a day long work, if they return home empty handed, the people sign.
4. Who does the poet refer to as God-loving men? What do they do?
Ans : Men who pose themselves as god men. They preach that all men are equal, but never; try to
uplift the poet’s people.
5. Is the poet sympathetic to them? How do you know?
Ans : Yes, the poet is sympathetic to them. Because the poet refers to them as ‘my people’ and
highlights the miseries they suffer.
C2. Discuss in small groups and answer the following:
1. Who is the speaker in this poem? Who is he talking about?
Ans : Dr. Siddalingayya is the speaker in the poem and he is talking to the people in india.
2. What, as mentioned in the poem, are the different activities done by them?
Ans : Carrying stones for buildings, excavating gold. Plouting the field, sowing the seeds, cutting
the crops, build shops and raise bunglows.
3. Why does the poet have sympathy towards these people?
Ans : His people are all hard workers and they work for the benefit of the society. But they suffer
with poverty, so he sympathizes with them.
4. Isn’t it a pity that some people build the shops but get into heavy debts? How does this happen?
Ans : Even though the poet’s people toil day and night, they are paid a pittance. Many of them can’t offered even a square meal a day because of their meagre earnings. They are forced to borrow money from their employer’s for huge interest rates. The employers deduct the loans from their payments and the poet’s people go home empty handed or borrow again.
5. What do you think should be done to solve the miseries of these people?
Ans : the government should take the responsibility of maintaining equal status of people in the country. The daily wage workers must be well paid and enjoy all the benefits from the government like the government employees.
Ans : Hard working skilled labourers of various work are referred to as ‘they’ here.
Ans : After a day long work, if they return home empty handed, the people sign.
Ans : Yes, the poet is sympathetic to them. Because the poet refers to them as ‘my people’ and
highlights the miseries they suffer.
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