1st Puc English Around a Medicinal Creeper Notes Question Answer Extract Mcq Pdf Download, 1st Puc English Chapter 3 Notes in Kannada Medium Kseeb Solutions For Class 11 English Chapter 3 Notes 1st Puc English 3rd Lesson Question and Answer Around a Medicinal Creeper Class 11 Questions and Answers 2024

Around a Medicinal Creeper Questions and Answers Pdf

around a medicinal creeper 1 marks questions
Sanna brought a bundle of creeper to tie the cane frame. Mara opened the bundle and saw a medicinal creeper. They went in search of it and when they found it, Mara caught hold of the tendrils and tied it to the nearby tree.
Mara narrated that the medicinal creeper has been cursed by a sage. The curse is that when someone needs this plant, they will not find it.
Mara, one day had gone to the forest to bring some bamboo shoots. While cutting them, he accidentally cut his hand. His artery was cut and it resulted in profuse bleeding. Someone brought some leaves and pressed it against the wound and covered with a cloth. Then, he went to the white man for proper dressing and treatment. The white man of Hulihindalu removed the leaf and was surprised to see that there was neither wound nor any blood although his clothes were stained with
The mongoose and cowcal hunt snakes and in this process sometimes they are bitten by them. Then, they immediately chew particular medicinal leaf and get cured from the poison.
Once Mara had laid a trap to catch rabbits in the forest. He was worried that somebody else may get there before him in the morning and take away his catch. So, he went into the forest before daybreak. The trap was empty. No rabbit had walked into it. Since there was a stream flowing nearby Mara decided to brush his teeth and wash his face before trekking back home. He broke a small stick from a nearby plant and brushed it third or fourth time. He felt a sour taste in the mouth. He took some water from the stream and put it into his mouth to churn and spat it out. To his surprise, all the teeth which had been touched by that stick had fallen off. Thus Mara had lost his teeth on the right side.
Mara and his friend had caught a barking deer. They skinned and cleaned it and divided the meat. Mara covered his share of meat with certain leaves and took it home. His wife prepared the masala with spices, put the water to boil and opened the packet with the leaves. To her surprise, she found a live wild buck instead of the meat
Milk and leaves were mixed thoroughly in a mixer and poured out into a vessel. For a couple of minutes nothing happened. After sometime it became firm and rubbery. When the vessel was inverted the whole thing fell out like a molded cast
According to the native doctors, if they tell others about their medicines, the medicines would lose their potency.
Comprehension II
The writer K.P Poornachandra Tejaswi is a prominent Kannada writer, novelist, ornithologist, painter, and environmentalist. He was with Mara and his friends for a long time to know more about
the medicinal herbs. It took almost twenty years for the author to learn about the medicinal creeper, all because of the unwillingness of the local people to share their knowledge regarding these medicinal plants. People those who knew something about the value of these plants do not
let out the secret because of the belief that if it is shared, it may lose its potency. More than that sufficient Research work has not taken place. The natives are aware that some plants are medicinal but they are not sure of the exact benefit from that plant. This signifies that there were a lot of myths regarding this creeper. Nobody was sure of the type of disease that it could cure, its availability,
in what form it must be taken and so on.
The writer K.P Poornachandra Tejaswi is a prominent Kannada writer, novelist, ornithologist, painter, and environmentalist. Mara and his friend had caught a barking deer. They skinned and cleaned it and divided the meat. Mara covered his share of meat with certain leaves and took it home. His wife prepared the masala with spices, put the water to boil and opened the packet with the leaves. To
her surprise, she found a live wild buck instead of the meat. In anger and out of frustration she threw those leaves into the fire, while Mara ran behind the buck. Mara’s wife is naturally scared and ignorant about the uses of the leaf. When an unusual incident of a meat turning into a live buck happened, she was uninterested to find out the cause for such an incident. She ignorantly threw the leaves into fire, thus remaining ignorant about her own local medicines. This tells us that Indians have a casual attitude towards the medicinal plants though it can do wonders.
The writer K.P Poornachandra Tejaswi is a prominent Kannada writer, novelist, Ornithologist, painter, and environmentalist. Krishna was the erstwhile farmhand of the author. He had stopped
working in the estate sometime ago and was driving a rickshaw. When he changed his job, he started passing blood with his stools. He appeared tired, breathless and had wheezing. It was thought to be piles. The only allopathic treatment for piles was surgery, which was expensive. More than that he was very scared of surgery, therefore he tries to seek the help of a Malayali Sadhu, who had on an earlier occasion cured him of boils on his body. The Sadhu was now an old man, therefore he advises Krishna himself to go and find the medicinal creeper. He was asked to dig out the tuberous root of the medicinal creeper and mix it with milk and drink for five days. Within a day his piles improved. He was completely cured in five days. The author suspects the plant to be the same medicinal creeper
which Mara and Appanna had tied to the nearest tree.
1. Do you think the author is suggesting that Indian herbal medicine is better/ safer than allopathic medicine?
2. What has made the modern man lose the knowledge of traditional medicine? Do you think Ayurveda will make a comeback in a successful way?
The writer K.P Poornachandra Tejaswi is a prominent Kannada writer, novelist, ornithologist, painter, and environmentalist. He is trying to suggest that Indian Herbal Medicine is better and safer than allopathic medicine. The belief of the native doctors that if they reveal things related to their medicine, it would lose its potency has resulted in the loss of knowledge of traditional medicine. People who are benefitted from these medicines usually fabricate or exaggerate the facts and thus it is mistaken to be fictitious. People like Mara and his wife were ignorant and neglected the significance of the medicinal creeper and this took the author almost twenty years to test, if there was some Truth in what Mara and other illiterates claimed.
The author tries to show that Indian herbal medicine can do wonders, when allopathic medicine becomes a failure or settle as the one with side effects than benefits, through surgery. He quotes the example of his erstwhile farmhand Krishna, who was troubled by heat boils all over his body and got treated by a Malayali Sadhu within ten days and then the piles treatment by the same Sadhu.
The effect was seen on the first day itself and within five days everything was under control because of herbal medicine. Allopathic Practitioners have regarded Ayurveda as ‘Bunkum’ but the reality is that there is a wealth of knowledge to be explored in the Indian Herbal Medicine. Today people are seen giving more importance to the herbal cosmetics and other products having a tag ‘herbal’. This shows that ‘Ayurveda’ will make a comeback.
2. “Our Natural Resources are our vital resources.” Explain the statement in the light of several developmental projects that are being promoted today.
The writer K.P Poornachandra Tejaswi is a prominent Kannada writer, novelist, ornithologist, painter, and environmentalist. He is trying to suggest that Indian Herbal Medicine is better and safer than allopathic medicine. Natural resources are indeed the vital resources. In this story we realize the importance of natural resources such as medicinal herbs. The mismanagement of these natural resources has led to various disasters and natural calamities, global warming, climatic changes, new diseases and epidemics. Water, air, land and space have been polluted beyond imagination.
We have lost innumerable flora and fauna in the name of some developmental projects. Most of the resources that are put into maximum use are exhaustible resources. It is ideal on our part that we undertake some developmental projects in order to conserve the wealth of nature. Recycling the natural resources and finding alternate sources of energy would help us conserve the precious natural resources.
Harnessing solar energy for various purposes in the form of solar cells, cooker and heater will help save a lot of other resources. Rain water Harvesting should be made mandatory in order to save water.
Opting for alternative sources like wind energy and tidal energy to generate electricity can be utilized. Finally, by following the principles of 3R’s Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, one can conserve the natural resources for the generations to come
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