2nd Puc English To The Foot From Its Child Poem Notes Question Answer Summery Extract Mcq Pdf Download, 2nd Puc English Chapter 8 Notes, Kseeb Solutions For Class 12 English Chapter 8 Notes, to the foot from its child one mark questions and answers, to the foot from its child summary 2nd puc, 2nd puc english 8th chapter summary, 2nd puc english 8th lesson question answer notes pdf.

Comprehension I
The foot would like to be a butterfly or an apple.
b) The unrestricted nature of a child’s imagination.
c) The child’s ignorance of harsh realities.
Time teaches the foot that it cannot fly and also cannot be a fruit bulging on the branch of a tree.
a) Hardships one has to face in life.
The child’s foot feels defeated because the outside world does not allow the child’s foot to fulfill its dreams.
The words ‘stones and bits of glass, streets, ladders, and the paths in the rough earth’ convey the real experiences of the child’s foot
a Prisoner
b. forced to give up its dreams
The adult foot walks as the foot of either a man or woman working in the field as a farmer or agricultural labour, a worker digging in the mines, or a grocer selling vegetables, fruit and groceries in the market or as a government or church worker.
The line, ‘until the whole man chooses to stop’ means until the person dies.
When the foot descended underground it did not know that it had ceased to be a foot.
The foot, having been condemned to live in a shoe, starts walking like an adult facing the harsh realities of life. Its relentless walking makes its foot grow coarse and hard.
As a prisoner in a shoe, it lost its touch with its counterpart and being enclosed in a shoe, felt out life like a blind man groping in the dark.
The soft nails of quartz grew hard and changed themselves into opaque substance, hard as horn. Its tiny petal-like toes grew bunched and out of trim, gradually took the form of eyeless reptiles, and later grew callused.
A. Reality.
b. unceasingly
c. become an apple
c. narrator
The shoe represents societal norms and traditions by which one is bound or the framework given by society
the journey of life.
Throughout its life, the foot keeps walking without rest. It walks as the foot of a man or a woman through fields, mines, markets and ministries until death.
By the end of the poem, the foot ceases to be a foot because the man dies.
Comprehension II
1. How can the foot fly or become and apple after it is buried?
Pablo Neruda is the pen name and later the legal name of the Chilean poet diplomat and politician Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto. The poet uses ‘foot’ as a metaphor for life and focuses on the changes seen in the transition of an infant’s foot into adulthood and finally death. Usually we consider ‘foot’ as physically belonging to a person but Neruda sees in a philosophical way. The foot’ is a metaphor for ‘life’. The poem focuses on the journey of a foot from childhood through adulthood and finally death. In the initial stanzas it is very clear that the poet emphasizes on a child’s foot which is innocent and aspires to become an apple or a butterfly.
Once the transition takes place, it grows up and is exposed to the harsh realities of life. Over a period of time, It realizes that it is only a foot and serves throughout the life, until it dies; It also realized that it cannot become a fruit or a butterfly. Later when it dies and loses its human awareness, it gets back its child- like innocence and starts dreaming of becoming an apple or a butterfly
2. How does Neruda describe the busy life of the individual as represented by the foot?
Pablo Neruda is the pen name and later the legal name of the Chilean poet diplomat and politician Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basoalto. The poet uses ‘foot’ as a metaphor for life and focuses on the changes seen in the transition of an infant’s foot into adulthood and finally death. Usually we consider ‘foot’ as physically belonging to a person but Neruda sees in a philosophical way. The poet uses ‘foot’ as a metaphor for his view of life. Life begins in infancy and in the poem, life begins as an infant foot. The child’s foot does not know that it is a foot. It starts walking over stones bits of glass, streets, ladders and the rough surface of the earth. It realizes it is only a “foot” and cannot become a fruit or a butterfly.
Since it has to serve the role of a foot, it is imprisoned in a shoe. The child’s foot as it grows old, serves as the foot of a man or a woman, working in the fields or a woman working in the fields or market or mines or ministries and work hard day and night until it dies. Thus, the freedom of the childhood is lost
when a person become an adult facing a life of constant work and struggle.
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