6th Standard English What I Want for You and Every Child’ – A Letter from Obama to His Daughters Notes, 6th Standard English 8th Leeson Notes Kseeb Solutions For Class 6 English Chapter 8 Notes in Kannada Medium

C1. Discuss the following questions in groups and answer them :
1. How old were Obama’s daughters when he wrote this letter to them?
Ans : Obama’s daughter Malia was 10 years old and Sasha was7 years old when Obama wrote
this latter.
2. What fun did Obama’s daughters have when he was on the campaign trial?
Ans : Going to picnics and parades and state fairs, eating all sorts of junk food were the fun that
Obama’s daughters had when he was on the campaign trial.
3. What is the ‘journey’ that Obama is referring to?
Ans : Obama’s run for president ship is referred to as the ‘journey’.
4. What fun did his daughters have when he was campaigning for the elections?
Ans : When Obama was campaigning for the elections his daughters went to picnics, parades and
state fair and ate all sort of junk food. They had enough fun with their new puppy.
5. What, for Obama, is the greatest joy in life?
Ans : The joy he saw in his daughters was the greatest joy in Obama’s life.
6. What did he think as a young man?
Ans : As a young man, Obama thought life was all about him-about hoe he would make his way in
the world and become successful and get the things he wanted.
7. What did he realize after the birth of his daughters?
Ans : After the birth of his daughters all Obama’s big plans for himself did not seen so important anymore.
8. Why did he contest for the President’s post?
Ans : What Obama wanted for his daughters, he wanted them for every child in that nation, so he contested for the president’s post.
9. What does he expect his daughters to do?
Ans : He would his daughters to grow up in a world with no limits on their dreams and no achievements beyond their reach, and to grow into compassionate, committed women who will help build that world.
10. What is the ‘great adventure’ referred to in the letter?
Ans : The great adventure in contesting in the election for president ship and campaign trail.
C2. Discuss the following questions in small groups and present your answers to the class.
1. How did Obama’s daughters change his view of the world?
Ans : After the birth of his daughters Obama found that the greatest joy in his life was the joy he saw in his daughters and he realized that his own life would not count for much unless he was able to ensure that they had every opportunity for happiness and fulfilment in them.
2. What does Obama want for all the children?
Ans : Obama wanted every opportunity for happiness and fulfilment in them for all the children.
3. Why did Obama write this letter to his daughters?
Ans : Obama wrote this letter to his daughters to explain why he decided to contest in the president election.
Ans : Obama’s daughter Malia was 10 years old and Sasha was7 years old when Obama wrote
this latter.
Ans : Obama’s run for president ship is referred to as the ‘journey’.
Ans : The joy he saw in his daughters was the greatest joy in Obama’s life.
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