2nd Puc English Too Dear! Lesson Notes Question Answer

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2nd Puc English Chapter 2 Question Answers Pdf

Answer the Following Questions

Too Dear One Mark Questions and Answers

1. Where is the kingdom of Monaco?

The kingdom of Monaco lies on the shore of the Mediterranean sea near the borders of France and Italy

2. On the shores of which sea is the kingdom of Monaco is located –

Mediterranean sea

3. What is the population of Monaco?

Seven thousand inhabitants

4. If the kingdom of Monaco were divided among its inhabitants how much land would each inhabitant get?

Each inhabitant would get less than an acre.

5. How many men are there in the army of Monaco?

Sixty men

6. What are the items on which tax is levied in Monaco?

Tobacco, wine and spirits, and poll-tax

7. Why was it hard for the Prince to feed his courtiers and officials and to keep himself?

As very few people in the kingdom drank and smoked the revenue from
the taxes on tobacco and on wine and spirits was insufficient for the Prince to feed his courtiers and officials and to keep himself.

8. What was the new and special source of revenue found by the king?

Gaming house.

9. What did people play in the gaming house?


10. How did the king of Monaco supplement the kingdom’s revenue?

He supplemented the kingdoms revenue by keeping to himself the monopoly of the gaming business.

11. What did the king of Monaco consider dirty business?


12. Why were the German sovereigns forbidden from keeping gaming houses? Why?

Gaming houses run by German sovereigns did a great deal of harm to the people. Many a time gamblers who lost their money in the German gaming houses, out of despair they drowned or shot themselves.

13. What proverb does the writer mention to justify the dirty business of gambling?

“You can’t earn stone palaces by honest labor’

14. In what way does the Prince of Monaco hold his court with all the ceremony of a real king?

The Prince of Monaco had his coronation, and his levees. He also gave rewards, and awarded sentences and pardons. He also held reviews, councils, laws and courts of justice

15. What unusual crime was committed in the kingdom of Monaco?

A murder

16. In what manner was the criminal condemned to be executed?

The criminal was condemned to be executed by an executioner using a guillotine machine.

17. What was the hitch in the execution of the criminal?

The kingdom of Monaco did not have either a guillotine machine or a professional executioner

18. How much did the French government expect from machine and an expert?

The French Government offered to lend a machine and an expert for a price of 16000 francs (16 thousand)

19. Who according to the council was a brother monarch?

The council of Monaco considered the king of Italy as a brother
monarch. (Monarchic type of government)

20. How much did the Italian government demand for the execution?

It demanded 12000 francs(12 thousand) for lending the machine and the services of an executioner. It also included the travelling expenses.

21. Why was the prince of Monaco unwilling to put an additional tax of two francs of the people?

Prince of Monaco was unwilling because the people wouldn’t stand it and it may also cause a riot.

22. What reason did the soldiers give for not accepting to execute the criminal?

The council of ministers wanted one of the soldiers to cut off the criminals head in a rough and homely fashion. But the soldiers said that they did not know how to do it and that was onething that they had not been taught.

23. What were the duties expected of the guard?

The guard was expected to watch the criminal and also to fetch his food from the palace kitchen.

24. The present plan is too expensive what is the present plan referred to by the prince?

The plan of keeping the murderer in prison and a guard to keep watch over him which was about 600 francs a year

25. On what condition did the criminal agree to leave the prison?

The criminal agreed to leave the prison on a condition that the king undertakes to pay his pension regularly and received one-third of his annuity as advance from the prince .

26. What work did the prisoner do after being released from prison?

The prisoner bought a bit of land and started market –gardening.

Comprehension II

1. Though gambling is a dirty business why does the king of Monaco resort to it?

Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) is a Russian prolific writer, who started his career with short stories and novels, later he turned to write essays and plays. Tolstoy’s best known novels are war and Peace, Anna
Karenina, Master and man etc. He was one of the prominent social reformers. After 1880 his deep concern for morals in the human life led him to spirituality that radically changed his life. Too dear was written after 1890. So naturally his angle was humanitarian, where he reflects on the well being of mankind.

Monaco is a tiny little kingdom of seven thousand inhabitants, which lies on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea near the borders of France and Italy. Many a small country town has more inhabitants than this kingdom. In spite of this, Monaco has a Kinglet, a palace, courtiers, Ministers, a bishop, generals and an army, consisting of sixty men. The kingdom also levies taxes on its subjects on the use of tobacco, wine and spirits and a poll-tax. Since this kingdom has very few subjects, the revenue drawn from them was not sufficient.

Therefore the prince of Monaco had no other option other than resorting to keep gaming houses for extra revenue. This is the reason why the prince of Monaco resorts to gambling even though it’s a dirty business.

2. Why did the king of Monaco keep changing his mind in dealing with the criminal?

Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) is a Russian prolific writer, who started his career with short stories and novels, later he turned to write essays and plays. Tolstoy’s best known novels are war and Peace, Anna
Karenina, Master and man etc. He was one of the prominent social reformers. After 1880 his deep concern for morals in the human life led him to spirituality that radically changed his life. Too dear was written after 1890. So naturally his angle was humanitarian, where he reflects on the well being of mankind.
The kingdom of Monaco had never encountered a crime like Murder in its domains.

When this happened the king and the law keepers did not know how to handle this crisis. Though the judges sentenced the murderer to be beheaded, this was not possible, as the kingdom of Monaco had no means to execute the murderer and they had to rely on their neighboring country France to supply them a guillotine, a machine to cut the heads off. But, this cost them 16,000 Francs which was a heavy sum.

So the king decided to enquire the cost of machine from Italy. Italy offered guillotine machine for a lesser sum of 12,000 Francs. Even this was too much for countries economy, therefore king decided to alter the death sentence to one of imprisonment for life, which was cheaper than the earlier death sentence. After one year king noticed that life imprisonment cost came up to more than 600 Francs which was heavy and at last king resorted to paying a pension of 600 Francs annually to the prisoner and ordered him to leave the domains of Monaco forever.

2. Why was the criminal reluctant to go out of the prison?

Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) is a Russian prolific writer, who started his career with short stories and novels, later he turned to write essays and plays. Tolstoy’s best known novels are war and Peace, Anna
Karenina, Master and man etc. He was one of the prominent social reformers. After 1880 his deep concern for morals in the human life led him to spirituality that radically changed his life. Too dear was written after 1890. So naturally his angle was humanitarian, where he reflects on the well being of mankind.

According to the advice given by the ministers to bring down the expenses incurred on the prisoner, the Prince decided to dismiss the special guard who was kept to watch over the prisoner. This would indirectly give an opportunity for the prisoner to escape and the prince waited to see whether the prisoner escaped but this never happened. The criminal was reluctant to go out of prison for two reasons. One because he was timely fed by the royal kitchen and second he had no other place to go, as nobody would offer him a job as he was a murderer. Therefore he decided to stay in the prison instead of running away.

3. How did the criminal lead his life after his release?

Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) is a Russian prolific writer, who started his career with short stories and novels, later he turned to write essays and plays. Tolstoy’s best known novels are war and Peace, Anna
Karenina, Master and man etc. He was one of the prominent social reformers. After 1880 his deep concern for morals in the human life led him to spirituality that radically changed his life. Too dear was written after 1890. So naturally his angle was humanitarian, where he reflects on the well being of mankind.

It was agreed that the criminal would leave Monaco and its domain forever and for doing this he would be paid 600 Francs annually. This somehow appeased the criminal and he readily agreed to do so. It was
only a quarter of an hour by rail and he emigrated, and settled just across the frontier, where he bought a bit of land, started marketgardening and lived comfortably. He always went at the proper time to
draw his pension and having received it, he spent two or three francs at the gaming table, winning sometimes and losing sometimes and now lived peaceably well.

Comprehension III

Too Dear 4 Marks Questions and Answers

1. You can’t earn stone palaces by honest labour in what context is this statement made?

Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) is a Russian prolific writer, who started his career with short stories and novels, later he turned to write essays and plays. Tolstoy’s best known novels are war and Peace, Anna
Karenina, Master and man etc. He was one of the prominent social reformers. After 1880 his deep concern for morals in the human life led him to spirituality that radically changed his life. Too dear was written
after 1890. So naturally his angle was humanitarian, where he reflects on the well being of mankind.

Monaco is a tiny little kingdom of seven thousand inhabitants, which lies on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea near the borders of France and Italy. Many a small country town has more inhabitants than this kingdom. In spite of this, Monaco has a Kinglet, a palace, courtiers, Ministers, a bishop, generals and an army, consisting of sixty men. The kingdom also levies taxes on its subjects on the use of tobacco, wine and spirits and a poll-tax. Since this kingdom has very few subjects,

the revenue drawn from them is not sufficient. Therefore the prince of Monaco has no other option other than resorting to keep gaming houses for extra revenue. Though kinglet of Monaco knows it is a dirty business, but what is he to do? He has to live. He was much interested in all his ceremonies. He has his coronation, his levees, his rewards, sentences and pardons. He also had his reviews, councils, laws and courts of justice, just like any other kings, only on a smaller scale. King was more interested in leading a luxurious life and also more concerned with all his financial gains and less concerned with his duties.

So he drew revenue from all evil sources like gambling houses, tax on tobacco, wines and spirits which represents the negative aspects of life. Income collected from the evil side of life may not lead us to good future. Illgotten gain was spent in the ill mannered way in the end

2. Where there other ways of dealing with crime and the criminal? Discuss in the light of the story?

Count Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910) is a Russian prolific writer, who started his career with short stories and novels, later he turned to write essays and plays. Tolstoy’s best known novels are war and Peace, Anna
Karenina, Master and man etc. He was one of the prominent social reformers. After 1880 his deep concern for morals in the human life led him to spirituality that radically changed his life. Too dear was written
after 1890. So naturally his angle was humanitarian, where he reflects on the well being of mankind.
All is well in the kingdom of Monaco until a man commits a murder.

The king had never had to deal with a murderer before, and after the judicial process, the convict had been sentenced to death. But there was only one hitch in the matter and that was they had neither a guillotine for cutting heads, off, nor an executioner. So they had to rely on their neighboring country France. But this cost them 16,000 Francs, which was a very heavy sum. The prince later enquired it with Italy, Italy offered it for a lesser sum of 12,000 Francs, and even this was too much burden. The decision was (reversed) revoked and the murderer was imprisoned for life. Life imprisonment, however presented its own set of problems.

There need to be a guard at all times and the man had to be fed. The yearly costs were calculated to be more than 600 Francs, which would still necessitate an increase of taxes. It was decided that the guard should be dismissed, even at the risk of losing the prisoner. But the prisoner however does not try to escape and when it was enquired, the criminal responds that he has nowhere to go in Monaco and that his reputation was ruined. King finally decides to pay 600 Francs to the murderer as an annual pension by the government to remain in exile. Leo Tolstoy’s angle was humanitarian, where he reflects on the wellbeing of mankind. He presents this story in a most humorous way and concludes that king who was less concerned with his

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