6th Standard English A Chat with a Grasshopper Lesson Notes Question Answer Summery Extract Mcq Questions Pdf Download in Kannada Medium 2024 Kseeb Solutions For Class 6 English Chapter 5 Notes 6th Standard English 5th Lesson Notes
6th Standard English Notes of Lesson 5

C1. Read the questions and discuss the answers :
1. What helps a grasshopper fly?
Ans : Two sets of wings help a grasshopper to fly.
2. How many wings does a grasshopper have? 2. 4. 6. 8. 10.
Ans : 4 wings
3. How many eyes does a grasshopper have? 1. 3. 5. 7. 9.
Ans : 5 eyes
4. How long are the world’s largest grasshoppers? 20 mm, 90 mm, 100 mm, 120 mm.
Ans : The world’s largest grasshopper is 60-90 millimetre and the male is 45-55 millimetre long.
5. Grasshopper makes a chirping sound by:
a) rubbing two legs together
b) rubbing one of its legs along one of its wings.
c) rubbing its wings together.
d) rubbing its back leg against one of its antennae.
Ans : b) rubbing one of its legs along one of its wings.
6. Say True or False: A grasshopper is blind and deaf.
Ans : False (It has five eyes but no ears).
7. Grasshoppers do not have ears, yet they can pick up vibrations. How?
Ans : The antenna helps the grasshopper to pick up vibrations from the air and the ground.
V1. Find words from the lesson with the following meanings :
a) grain used to make flour.
Ans : Wheat
b) poisonous to eat or drink.
Ans : toxic
c) an enemy.
Ans : foe
d) outside skin of an animal body.
Ans : exoskeleton
e) two long thin parts on the heads of some insects.
Ans : Antenna
V2. Read the text and fill in the blanks using the appropriate words:
1. The two-striped grasshopper will eat plants that are toxic to cattle.
2.The grasshoppers make sounds of chirp chirp on a summer-night.
3.The Antenna organ can pick up vibrations from the air and on the ground to the grasshopper.
V3. Choose the correct answers from the words given in brackets:
1. The insects that make the sound of buzz bees.
2. The insects that irritate at night mosquitoes.
3. The insects that build their own webs spiders.
4. The insects that reform as butterflies caterpillars.
Ans : Two sets of wings help a grasshopper to fly.
Ans : The antenna helps the grasshopper to pick up vibrations from the air and the ground.
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